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Eco Gym (BeachFit)

The Ultimate Sustainable Gym Checklist: The Path To Going Green

By Featured Facilities, Guides & Best Practices, Sustainability
Not every fitness facility can start off as a sustainable gym. Whether it comes down to pricing or timing or availability of materials/technology, sometimes going green just isn't in the cards. But over time many opportunities to gradually transform into a sustainable gym can arise as repairs, renovations, and upgrades are needed. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't know where to start and the idea of making such a huge switch in addition to running their facility can be overwhelming. That is why SportsArt has created the Ultimate Sustainable Gym Checklist: to provide gym owners with a guide on how to begin the journey towards this transformation for both current and upcoming facilities. (more…)
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6 Questions For A Sustainable Gym Owner (With Answers!)

By Featured Facilities, Guides & Best Practices, Sustainability
Sustainable gym owners from California to the United Kingdom have created a community around the sharing of ideas. Together they discuss each other's best practices in order to become more sustainable and profitable, which inspires other gym owners to go green as well. Recently we held a webinar with the Association Of Fitness Studios, where Paul Crane of Eco Gym UK shared his knowledge with attendees and some insights into how they are using green fitness technologies like ECO-POWR™ to create a community effect around their gym. (more…)
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Fitness Tribe

4 Steps To Creating A Fitness Tribe In Your Gym

By Guides & Best Practices, Sustainability
Achieving a common goal together as a group -- or in this context, a fitness tribe --  is a powerful way to inspire ongoing motivation. The sense of community a goal brings can attract and retain members who are looking to belong to something more than an average, everyday gym. Follow these 4 steps to incorporating a common goal into your gym’s strategy and start reaping the benefits of a loyal tribe of members. (more…)
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Green Fitness: Making Your Bottom Line Greener

By Articles, Featured Facilities, Products, Sustainability
Sustainability and eco fitness are topics that have been dominating conversations across every industry as of late. Hospitality, automotive, fashion, and plenty of other companies are quickly realizing the benefits of creating a positive social and environmental impact on the world around them. Green initiatives help companies like Bank of America and Starbucks stand out from the competition and encourage a sort of “cult-like” brand loyalty from consumers that are growing exceedingly more concerned with the state of the planet. It’s no surprise that many people actively seek brands that align with their own personal ideals. In fact, the majority of consumers nowadays -- across all generations – have reported that they are willing to pay more for a product if a company is perceived to be providing a green product or service. (more…)
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ECO-POWR™ at Eco Gym

ECO-POWR™ Empowers Eco Gym Studio In The UK

By Featured Facilities, Press Release, Products, Sustainability
Members of Eco Gym (previously known as BeachFit) in the United Kingdom are thrilled about the gym's new revolutionary approach to membership fees. Thanks to SportsArt ECO-POWR™ cardio equipment and its connection with the SA WELL+™ app, members can track how much utility-grade electricity they generate with each workout. In turn, gym operators are able to reward users with membership discounts based on their energy output. (more…)
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