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Race To The Top With ECO-POWR At FIBO 2017

By March 8, 2017December 31st, 2018Events

Do you have what it takes to reach the top? SportsArt has built a skyscraper that lights up with our ECO-POWR™ bikes for our Power The Tower challenge.

The rules are simple: Three competitors hop onto each of our G575U ECO-POWR™ upright cycles, each hooked up to a certain color on the tower: red, green, and blue. When told to start, competitors pedal as quick as they can to generate enough electricity to slowly light up the tower with their specific color. The first to reach the top wins!

This challenge is more than just some good ol’ fashioned FIBO fun. Whether you hop on the bikes yourself or simply watch the hourly event unfold, attendees are able to see what the ECO-POWR™ line can do firsthand in a visual example that’s easy to understand. And, of course, there will be plenty of SportsArt employees around during these events that are more than happy to answer any questions one may have about the technology and more.

In addition to the Power The Tower Challenge, SportsArt will also be unveiling a new piece of equipment at FIBO 2017 to show ‘watts next’ in the ECO-POWR™ lineup.

Watch the Power The Tower Challenge debut video from IHRSA 2016 last year for a taste of what’s in store!
