With IHRSA and FIBO on the horizon, members of the SportsArt team — and many others in the fitness industry — are about to travel a lot! Whether you’re on a business trip or taking a well-earned vacation, it’s important to find ways to stay healthy even when you’re away from home. Here are some tips from our blogger Nicole on how to make sure your fitness plan is consistent no matter where you are.
I was on assignment once to write a story about Sayulita, a charming little Mexican fishing village tucked away where the jungle meets the sea just 45 minutes south of Puerto Vallarta. As with most touristy seaside towns, the village is home to a beach lined with lovely resorts, tropical outdoor bars, and a couple of cafes — complete with sunburned tourists scattered about. The drive in from the airport was hairy. And I saw what was the real Sayulita, pre-tourism. Single-lane dirt/gravel roads, several shack-type structures selling freshly made tortillas, chickens darting left and right, and dogs scavenging for scraps.
I could have gone to the air-conditioned yoga room in my resort to taking a class, but I wanted to experience the other side of Sayulita that wasn’t advertised in the brochures. I wanted to see the one that I saw driving in. So I strapped on my running shoes and headed for the unknown. I got lost (literally and figuratively) and it was awesome: the sights, the smells, and people around me were so invigorating, I ran twice the distance of what I normally would have.
Staying fit while you travel is easier than you think. I look at it as an opportunity to change up my current exercise routine and immerse myself in new surroundings. On a recent trip to St. John in the Virgin Islands, for example, I skipped my morning run and embarked on a 3-hour sea kayaking adventure complete with an hour of snorkeling. Again, I accomplished at least twice the amount of exercise I would have by just doing my usual run, probably more.
Even if you travel to a not-so-inspiring place, let’s say Detroit for business, your hotel will more than likely have a gym with a few machines and weights. If not, check with the front desk to see if the hotel has any partnerships with a nearby gym. Not a gym person? Then exercise in your room using the bathtub for dips, do a few reps of planks, sit-ups and lunges, and call it a day. You can even check the TV for any exercise videos that might be available.
It’s tempting to splurge while you travel and eat more than usual, but as long as you choose healthier menu options, such as a light breakfast of fruit and yogurt, a hearty salad for lunch and skip the fried stuff altogether, go ahead and indulge (a little). Watch the booze intake, too. Although Mai Tais and sunny Hawaiian beaches go hand in hand, sipping a few too many each day will pack on the pounds.
For a few other tips and suggestions on food and workout gear to pack, check out this article. And if you’re a super serious travel exercise fiend, follow Nomadic Matt!