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ICARE 的智能控制提供了一種既非總是輔助性,也非總是抵抗性的運動。它旨在提供一種「按需輔助」的方法,這與治療師在對患者進行步態訓練時所提供的身體上、直覺上的輔助相似。

ICARE 不僅可以省去臨床治療師以往動輒長達數個小時的手動提攜,還能加強患者使用輔助科技的能力,使他們能夠逐步改善自身的步行與健身能力。

為何選擇 ICARE?

ICARE 系統的機動化控制設備裝有一個感應器,可根據患者訓練時的需求自動調整支撐水平。使用 ICARE,可代替專業康復醫院、醫療健身設施、門診治療健身房、護理之家、輔助生活設施、老人安養中心中昂貴的機器人步態裝置。

ICARE 同時也可以減輕負責進行傳統式行動治療的看護人員所要面對的身體壓力。

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讓身體無力、麻痺、有平衡困難,以及正從重大傷害或疾病中逐漸康復之患者,重新學習步行並讓身體保持在可活動的狀態,是復健的重要目標。以往若要重新取回步行的能力,患者往往需要進行上千次的類步伐訓練,才能使神經具備持久的可塑性。通常這類患者都會面臨適合其受損或弱化肌肉的復健設備不足之窘境。ICARE 就是為了解決這一窘境而誕生的。

ICARE 是一套完全整合的系統,於 Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital and Research Institute in Lincoln, Nebraska 中開發完成,可為因中風、外傷性腦損傷 (TBI)、局部性脊髓損傷 (SCI) 及其他傷害或疾病而導致神經肌肉失調的患者,提供安全、有效的協助方法。ICARE 的智能控制提供了一種既非總是輔助性,也非總是抵抗性的運動。它旨在提供一種「按需輔助」的方法,這與治療師在對患者進行步態訓練時所提供的身體上、直覺上的輔助相似。ICARE 不僅可以省去臨床治療師以往動輒長達數個小時的手動提攜及伸展四肢工作,還能加強患者使用輔助科技的能力,使他們能夠逐步改善自身的步行能力與心血管健康。

ICARE 的腿部運動與步行時的運動學及肌電模式極度相似。開發研究中注意到,ICARE 的訓練可協助患者重新取得或維持步行時所需要的彈性及肌肉強度,特別是在復健過程中若配合患者的弱點進行調整的話。在 ICARE 的開發過程中,研究團隊也特別針對為患者提供適當水準的輔助,以確保能夠透過部分體重支撐及腳踏板的馬達輔助,達到所需的重複訓練次數。

  • 向前和向後馬達輔助允許速度高達每分鐘 65 轉
  • 適應性馬達輔助能自動調整以適應患者的運動需求
  • 單腿或雙腿訓練選項可滿足不同患者的需求
  • 帶觸控,可調步幅範圍為 18-29 英吋(45-73 公分)
  • 雙重動作運動可鍛鍊到整個身體
  • 接觸式和遙測式心率監測
  • 遠端控制可讓臨床治療師以輕鬆、非侵入式的方式進行調整
  • 密碼控制可讓機器用作獨立式橢圓機
  • 紅外線安全系統關閉可減少造成傷害的風險

E875MA 心肺橢圓訓練機

E875MU 身體減重系統

  • 電控型氣壓式可調整高度的座椅,可向兩個方向中任何一個進行 90 度的旋轉
  • 可掀式扶手椅讓患者能輕易的進出設備
  • 減重吊帶可支撐和提起重達 180 公斤(400 磅)的患者

E875MP 斜坡、階梯和平臺

  • 為使用輪椅的患者提供上下設備的裝置
  • 降低臨床治療師將患者移至休息椅時造成傷害的風險
  • 提高臨床治療師的檢視位置,提供零阻礙的監視視角
上次更新:2017 年 6 月 7 日


  • 2013 International daVinci Award, Recreation and Leisure category for Madonna ICARE by Sports Art. Michigan Chapter of the National MS Society. Dearborn, MI.


  • Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Taylor AP, Buster TW, Nelson CA (2011). Rehabilitation and Exercise Machine. U.S. Patent 8,007,405.
  • Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Taylor AP, Buster TW, Nelson CA (2012). Rehabilitation and Exercise Machine. U.S. Patent 8,177,688 B2.
  • Burnfield JM, Taylor AP, Buster TW, Nelson CA, Shu Y (2014). Improved Rehabilitation and Exercise Machine. Canadian Patent 2,776,626.


  • Cesar GM, Buster TW, Burnfield JM (2017). Should gait outcomes be the primary focus in paediatric gait rehabilitation? Journal of Novel Physiotherapies, 7(3):1000342DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025.1000342
  • Burnfield JM, Cesar G, Buster TW, Irons SL, Nelson CA (2017). Kinematic and muscle demand similarities between motor-assisted elliptical training and walking: Implications for paediatric gait rehabilitation. Gait & Posture, 51:194-200. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2016.10.018.
  • Burnfield JM, Buster TW, Goldman AJ, Corbridge LM, Hanigan K (2016). Partial body weight support treadmill training speed influences paretic and non-paretic muscle activation and stride characteristics during acute stroke rehabilitation. Human Movement Science. (47): 16-28. DOI: 10 1016/j.humov.2016.01.012
  • Irons SL, Brusola GA, Buster TW, Burnfield JM (2015). Novel ICARE Intervention Improves Six-Minute Walk Test and Oxygen Cost for an Individual with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal, 26(2):36-41. DOI: 10.1097/CPT.0000000000000007
  • Nelson CA, Stolle CJ, Burnfield JM, Buster TW (2015). Modification of the Intelligently Controlled Assistive Rehabilitation Elliptical (ICARE) system for paediatric therapy. Published online, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 9(4): 6 pages. DOI: 10.1115/1.4030276.
  • Burnfield JM, Irons SL, Buster TW, Taylor AP, Hildner GA, Shu Y (2014). Comparative analysis of speed’s impact on muscle demands during partial body weight support motor-assisted elliptical training, Gait & Posture. 39(1): 314-320.  DOI:
  • Buster TW, Burnfield JM, Taylor AP, Stergiou, N (2013). Lower extremity kinematics during walking and elliptical training in individuals with and without traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy. 37(4): 176-186.  DOI: 10.1097/NPT.0000000000000022
  • Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor A, Nelson CA (2011). Impact of elliptical trainer ergonomic modifications on perceptions of safety, comfort, workout and usability by individuals with physical disabilities and chronic conditions. Physical Therapy, 91(11)1604-1617.  DOI:
  • Nelson CA, Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor A, Graham A (2011). Modified elliptical machine motor-drive design for assistive gait rehabilitation. Transactions of the ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 5:021001.1-021001.7. DOI:10.1115/1.4003693
  • Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor A (2010). Similarity of joint kinematics and muscle demands between elliptical training and walking: Implications for practice. Physical Therapy. 90(2). 289-305. DOI:



  • Cesar GM, Irons SL, Garbin A, Eckels E, Buster TW, Burnfield JM. Child with traumatic brain injury improved gait abilities following intervention with paediatric motor-assisted elliptical training: A case report (2017)Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. San Antonio, TX, February 15-18, 2017.
  • Burnfield JM, Terryberry-Spohr L, Tran J (2016). Affordable Motor-assisted Elliptical Training to Improve Physical, Cognitive, Psychosocial and Health Outcomes Across Rehabilitation Continuum. 75-minute Symposium, Conference proceedings, 2016 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) 93rd Annual Conference: Progress in Rehabilitation Research. Chicago, IL, November 2.
  • Irons SL, Burnfield JM, Buster TW, Karkowski-Schelar E, Johns E (2016). Individuals with multiple sclerosis improved walking endurance and decreased fatigue following motor-assisted elliptical training intervention. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97(10):e34. DOI:
  • Burnfield JM, Buster TW, Irons SL, Cesar GM, Nelson CA, Rech NR, Nichols EM (2016). Paediatric walking vs. training on prototype motor-assisted elliptical: Kinematic comparison at self-selected comfortable speed. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97(10):e99. DOI:
  • Burnfield JM, Irons SL, Cesar GM, Buster TW, Khot R, Nelson CA (2016). Pedi-ICARE training improves walking and endurance of child with cerebral palsy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97(12):e19-e20. DOI:
  • Burnfield JM, Buster TW, Irons SL, Rech N, Cesar GM, Pfeifer CM, Nelson CA (2016). Paediatric Intelligently Controlled Assistive Rehabilitation Elliptical for Walking and Fitness: Prototype Development and Biomedical Analysis[Abstract]. RESNA/NCART (Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America/National Coalition for Assistive and Rehab Technology) 2016 annual convention, July 10-14, Arlington, VA.
  • Pfeifer CM, Burnfield JM, Kota S, Buster TW, Irons SL, Rowen DA, Nelson CA (2016). Positive Reinforcement System Design for Therapeutic Devices [Abstract]. RESNA/NCART (Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America/National Coalition for Assistive and Rehab Technology) 2016 annual convention, July 10-14, Arlington, VA.
  • Pfeifer CM, Burnfield JM, Kota S, Buster TW, Irons SL, Sulski C, Nelson CA (2016). Design of a Custom Heart-Rate Control System for the Paediatric Intelligently Controlled Assistive Rehabilitation Elliptical [Abstract]. RESNA/NCART (Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America/National Coalition for Assistive and Rehab Technology) 2016 annual convention, July 10-14, Arlington, VA.
  • Buster TW, Burnfield JM, Irons SL, Nelson CA, Trejo LH, Leutzinger TJ (2016). Paediatric walking vs. training on a prototype motor-assisted elliptical: kinematic and EMG comparisons at self-selected fast speeds [Abstract]. Conference proceedings,2016 Annual Meeting Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society. Memphis, TN, May 17-20, 2016.
  • Burnfield JM, Irons SL, Buster TW (2016). Individual with progressive supranuclear palsy demonstrates improvements in walking distance and efficiency following a motor-assisted elliptical training intervention [Abstract]. Conference proceedings,9th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation. Philadelphia, PA, May 12, 2016.
  • Burnfield JM, Buster TW, Irons SL (2016). Individuals post stroke improved walking endurance and efficiency following motor-assisted elliptical training intervention [Abstract]. Conference proceedings, 9th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation. Philadelphia, PA, May 12, 2016.
  • Buster TW, Burnfield JM (2016). Movement variability during walking and elliptical exercise for individuals with chronic severe traumatic brain injuries [Abstract]. Conference proceedings9th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation. Philadelphia, PA, May 12, 2016.
  • Nelson CA, Stolle CJ, Burnfield JM, Buster TW (2015). Synthesis of a rehabilitation mechanism replicating normal gait [Technical Paper]. Conference Proceedings, 14th World Congress in Mechanisms and Machine ScienceDOI: 10.6567/IFToMM.14TH.WC.OS1.016. Taipei, Taiwan, October 25-30, 2015.
  • Trejo LH, Buster TW, Stolle CJ, Nelson CA, Burnfield JM (2014). Influence of rocker and crank arm lengths on Intelligently Controlled Assistive Rehabilitation Elliptical (ICARE) coupler trajectories. Proceedings, Midwest BME Career Conference. p. 31
  • Burnfield JM, Buster TW, Goldman AJ, Corbridge LM, Harper-Hanigan K (2016). Partial body weight support treadmill training speed influences paretic and non-paretic leg muscle activation, stride characteristics, and ratings of perceived exertion during acute stroke rehabilitation. Human Movement Science, 47:16-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.humov.2016.01.012.
  • Irons SL, Brusola GA, Buster TW, Burnfield JM (2015). Novel motor-assisted elliptical training intervention improves Six-Minute Walk Test and oxygen cost for an Individual with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal, 26: 36-41.
  • Nelson CA, Stolle CJ, Burnfield JM, Buster TW (2015). Modification of the Intelligently Controlled Assistive Rehabilitation Elliptical (ICARE) system for paediatric therapy. Published online, ASME Journal of Medical Devices. DOI: 10.1115/1.4030276.
  • Burnfield JM, Irons SL, Buster TW, Taylor AP, Hildner GA, Shu Y (2014). Comparative analysis of speed’s impact on muscle demands during partial body weight support motor-assisted elliptical training. Gait and Posture, 39(1):314-320. DOI: org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2013.07.120.
  • McCrory B, Harlow AH, Burnfield JM (2014). Musculoskeletal risk to physical therapists during overground gait training: A case report. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 10/2014; 58(1):1219-1223. DOI: 10.1177/1541931214581254.
  • McCrory B, Burnfield JM, Darragh A, Meza JL, Irons SI, Brusola G, Link AM. (2014). Work injuries among therapists in physical rehabilitation. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 10/2014; 58(1):1072-1076. DOI: 10.1177/1541931214581224.
  • Buster TW, Burnfield JM, Taylor AP, Stergiou, N (2013). Lower extremity kinematics during walking and elliptical training in individuals with and without traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 37(4):176-86.
  • Burnfield JM, McCrory B, Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor AP, Goldman AJ (2013). Comparative kinematic and electromyographic assessment of clinician- and device-assisted sit-to-stand transfers in patients with stroke. Physical Therapy, 93(10):1331-1341.
  • Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor A, McBride MM, Krause ME (2012). Kinematic and electromyographic analysis of normal and device-assisted sit to stand transfers. Gait and Posture, 36(3):516-522.
  • Burnfield JM, Nelson CA, Buster TW, Taylor AP (2012). Affordable technology addresses walking and fitness deficits across rehabilitation continuum of care. 10th Annual Conference of the American Medical Rehabilitation Providers Association. San Diego, CA.
  • Watt BP, Burnfield JM, Truemper EJ, Buster TW, Bashford GR (2012). Monitoring cerebral hemodynamics with transcranial doppler ultrasound during cognitive and exercise testing in adults following unilateral stroke. 34th Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. San Diego, CA.
  • Yeseta MC, Taylor AP, Buster TW, Shu Y, Burnfield JM (2012). Exercise endurance and functional mobility improve for individuals with physical disabilities after training on a motorised elliptical. Online proceedings, Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America’s 2012 Annual Conference.
  • Nelson, CA. Burnfield JM (2012). Improved elliptical trainer biomechanics using a modified Cardan gear. Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference [Conference Paper #: DETC2012-70439]. Chicago, IL.
  • Burnfield JM, Yeseta M, Buster TW, Taylor AP, Shu Y (2012). Individuals with physical limitations can benefit from training on a motorised elliptical for community-based exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 45(5 Supplement), pg. S360.
  • Taylor AP, Lowndes BR, Buster TW, Shu Y, Burnfield JM (2012). Speed’s impact on pedar pressures at varying levels of body weight supported ICARE training. Proceedings, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society 2012 Annual Meeting, pg 139-140.
  • Shu Y, Taylor AP, Buster TW, Burnfield JM (2012). Clinicians’ motion and muscle activation patterns during body weight support treadmill training. Proceedings, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society 2012 Annual Meeting, pgs. 230-231.
  • Buster TW, Goulet C, Shafer D, Burnfield JM (2012). Comparison of kinematic demands of walking and elliptical training between individuals with and without mild to moderate multiple sclerosis. Proceedings, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society 2012 Annual Meeting, pgs. 232-233.
  • Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor A, Nelson CA (2011). Impact of elliptical trainer ergonomic modifications on perceptions of safety, comfort, workout and usability for people with physical disabilities and chronic conditions. Physical Therapy, 91(11): 1604-1617.
  • Nelson CA, Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor A, Graham A (2011). Modified elliptical machine motor-drive design for assistive gait rehabilitation. ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 5(2) May 20122: DOI: 10.1115/1.4003693.
  • Burnfield JM, Hildner GA, Buster TW, Taylor AP, Shu Y (2011). Speed’s impact on muscle demands during partial body weight supported training on a motorised elliptical. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92(10): 1700. DOI:
  • Burnfield JM, Taylor AP, Buster TW, Shu Y, Goldman AJ, Nelson CA (2011). Use of Intelligently Controlled Assistive Rehabilitation Elliptical Trainer to Improve Walking and Fitness during Acute Stroke Rehabilitation. Stroke, 42(3), pg. e326.
  • Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor AP, Merriman L, Nelson CA (2010). Comparison of lower extremity electromyographic (EMG) demands during ICARE training and walking. Online Proceedings, American Society of Biomechanics 34th Annual Meeting, pgs. 334-335.
  • Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor AP, Merriman L, Nelson CA (2010). Comparison of lower extremity electromyographic (EMG) demands during ICARE training and walking. American Society of Biomechanics 2010 Annual Meeting.
  • Buster TW, Taylor AP, Frazier M, Burnfield JM (2010). Kinematic analysis of five cardiovascular exercisesOnline Proceedings, American Society of Biomechanics 34th Annual Meeting,pgs. 324-325.
  • Burnfield JM (2010). ICARE: An Affordable Technology Designed to Promote Walking and Cardiovascular Fitness During Rehabilitation and Following Discharge. 8th Annual Medical Rehabilitation Providers’ Association Educational Conference.
  • Burnfield JM, Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor AP (2010). Similarity of joint kinematics and muscle demands between elliptical training and walking: Implications for practice. Physical Therapy, 90(2):289-305.
  • Burnfield JM, Buster TW, Taylor A, Keenan S, Shu Y, Nelson CA (2010). Intelligently Controlled Assistive Rehabilitation Elliptical (ICARE) Training: An Analysis of Lower Extremity Electromyographic (EMG) Demands with Varying Levels of Motor Assistance. Online Proceedings, Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America’s 2010 Annual Conference.
  • Shu Y, Buster TW, Taylor A, Keenan S, Nelson CA, Burnfield JM (2010). Ergonomic redesign of elliptical trainer to promote greater safety, comfort and usabilityOnline Proceedings, Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America’s 2010 Annual Conference.
  • Burnfield JM, Combs S, Finley M (2010). The Role of Biomechanics in the Management of Upper- and Lower-extremity Dysfunction: Emerging Interventions for Individuals with Neurological Involvement [2 hour short course]. Programme, 2010 Annual Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, 46.
  • Burnfield JM. Development of the ICARE Trainer to Promote Gait and Cardiovascular Fitness in Individuals with Physical Disabilities (2010). Presented at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center. Downey, CA. May 27, 2010.
  • Burnfield JM. Patient-Centered Rehabilitation Research (2010). Presented at Capital City Kiwanis. Lincoln, NE. May 18, 2010.
  • Burnfield JM (2010). Ergonomics in Health Care: Biomechanical Considerations. Presented at Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association. Green Bay, WS. April 15, 2010.
  • Burnfield JM (2010). Biomechanical Demands of Transfer and Gait Activities: Promoting Clinician Safety and Therapeutic Patient Outcomes. Presented at Tenth Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Lake Buena Vista, FL. March 31, 2010.
  • Burnfield JM, Roemmich RT, Scherr T, Buster TW (2009). Comparison of Vastus Lateralis and Medial Hamstring Electromyographic Activity Across Five Cardiovascular Exercises. Supplement to Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 41(5), pgs. S568-569.
  • Buster TW, Roemmich RT, Doher NJ, Burnfield JM (2009). Comparison of Ankle Muscle Electromyographic Activity Across Five Cardiovascular Exercises. Supplement to Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 41(5), pg. S569.
  • Taylor AP, Buster TW, Barber BR, Burnfield JM (2009). Comparison of Forefoot and Heel Pressures Across Fast Walking and Four Elliptical Trainer Conditions. Supplement to Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 41(5), pg. S242.
  • Corbridge LM, Goldman AJ, Shu Y, Buster TW, Burnfield JM (2009). Clinician’s Muscle Effort During Partial Body Weight Support Treadmill Training: Is it Hard Work? Online Proceedings, American Physical Therapy Association’s 2009 Annual Conference and Exposition.
  • Burnfield JM, Barber BR, Buster TW, Taylor AP (2009). Plantar Pressures Vary Across Elliptical Trainers and Compared to Walking. Proceedings, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society 14th Annual Meeting, 116-117.
  • Buster TW, Goldman AJ, Corbridge LM, Shu Y, Burnfield JM (2009). Partial Body Weight Support Treadmill Training: Clinician’s Upper Extremity Muscle Activation During Facilitation of Hemiparetic Limb Movement. Proceedings, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society 14th Annual Meeting, pgs 258-259.
  • Burnfield JM, Goldman A (2009). The Physical Therapist’s Role in Community Based Wellness for Stroke Patients. Presented at Eighth Annual Nebraska Stroke Symposium-Present Challenges and Future Hopes. Omaha, NE. October 12, 2009.
  • Burnfield JM, Wilkinson H (2009). Breaking Down Barriers to Wellness and Fitness in Persons Living with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities: A Proactive Approach. Presented at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), College of Education and Human Sciences, University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Lincoln, NE. April 15, 2009.
  • Burnfield JM, Buster TR (2009). Neuroplasticity: Applying Guiding Principles to Help People Relearn to Walk Following an Injury. Presented at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), College of Education and Human Sciences, University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Lincoln, NE. April 8, 2009.
  • Kulig K, Burnfield JM (2008). The role of biomechanics in orthopaedic and neurological rehabilitation. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 10:1-14.
  • Kulig K, Burnfield JM (2008). Mechanistic and interventional aspects of movement disorders: The role of biomechanics. Proceedings of the International Congress of the Polish Society of Biomechanics 2008, 11-18.
  • Burnfield JM, Buster TW, Provorse A, Takahashi S (2007). Muscular demands during elliptical training compared to overground walking. Physiotherapy, 93(Supplement 1), pg. S179.
  • Takahashi S, Burnfield JM, Buster TW, Provorse AR (2007). Comparison of Gluteal Muscle Electromyographic Activity across Five Cardiovascular Exercises in Healthy Young Adults. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 39(5), pg. S255.

Robert J. McIver, PT, DPT, NCS
Brooks Neuro-Recovery Center Jacksonville, FL

Brooks Rehabilitation 引進 ICARE 已經 2 年多了。這是我們中心使用率最高的器材之一。我們使用 ICARE 治療任何步態或平衡機能受損的患者,無論其診斷結果為何;適用領域包括骨科、神經病學、老年醫學、肥胖病學,以及兒科。我們的病患和員工都樂於使用 ICARE,因為它的功能相當豐富,且設定也非常容易。它可調整的速度及跨距也同時確保了所有的訓練都能配合每個病患的需求進行調整。有的病患參與了我們的獨立計劃,他們來我們中心只是為了使用 ICARE 來保持健康,並維持生活品質。

使用 ICARE 的員工都相當高興,因為藉由使用 ICARE,我們可需要的員工協助較少,在跑步機上花費時間也較短,為我們的病患提供更長的踏步時間。它同時也提供了一種可在安全環境下增加踏步時間的功能,使得我們可以在進行較為功能性的作業,例如伸展或旋轉身軀時,讓下肢持續運動以增加動態平衡。員工和病患都非常喜歡 ICARE,主要是因為無論病患的功能水平如何,它都能提供別的機器無法提供的心血管鍛鍊。

我們曾經有位罹患腰叢麻痺症的患者,無法在他主治醫師的辦公室裡產生靜態的肌電圖。然而當他以較高的速度使用 ICARE 時,就能產生動態的肌電圖。在持續使用 ICARE 進行復健幾個月後,該名病患已經可以在不使用任何輔助裝置的情況下跑步,並與孩子一同玩耍了。在這項發現及機器的介入之前,他原本預期未來都必須要倚賴膝蓋支架,才能站立及行走。

整體而言,ICARE 是一套價格相當實惠的復健科技產品,能讓任何臨床治療師為任何病患設計一套高強度的復健計畫。

Liza Reidel
NextStep Orlando (前名為 Project Walk Orlando)

Project Walk Orlando 的使命是讓脊髓損傷的患者,擁有發揮最大復原潛力的機會,並改善他們的生活品質。我們藉由擬定專業的一對一、尖端、積極且全面的運動計畫,達成我們的使命。ICARE 系統在協助我們的客戶和員工達成這個使命的過程中,扮演了不可或缺的重要角色。

我們在客戶的運動計劃中,每天都會使用 ICARE 系統來進行高強度的心血管及步態訓練運動。從客戶及員工的角度而言,ICARE 對於我們的設施來說是一項成功的投資,因為不僅是設定過程相當有效率,訓練師也能確保客戶以舒適且安全的姿勢,進行一切活動。客戶可以在支援脊髓損傷訓練之重複性運動科學的 ICARE 系統上,完成上千次的踩踏動作。除此之外,客戶也能利用回饋功能,如果他們移動橢圓機的速度超過馬達的速度,機器會讓他們知道。在鍛鍊過程中,這項功能總是能讓他們更加努力,並且更有動力。

我們在決定為 PWO 募款並購買 ICARE 系統前考慮了許多因素。這些因素包括系統在減少訓練師人力付出的情況下,改善客戶健康、循環,以及機能的能力。而 ICARE 可以讓我們的客戶進行原先可能需要多名訓練師、助理及耗費龐大時間的上千個步態訓練。






ICARE 系統特色








物理治療師 Judith M. Burnfield 博士是 Institute for Rehabilitation Science and Engineering 的所長,運動及神經科學中心主任,以及 Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital and Research Institute 的 Clifton Chair in Physical Therapy and Movement Sciences。在 University of Southern California 取得了肌肉動力學博士學位,並在 Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center 中完成了動作病理學的博士後研究。在 Creighton University、University of Nebraska — Lincoln、University of Nebraska Medical Center、以及 University of South Dakota 兼任教職。

她的研究目標為:(1) 強化傷殘及非傷殘個體的生活獨立性及生活品質,並聚焦於行動失調,例如步態;(2) 預防慢性疾病患者的繼發性併發症;(3) 透過開發及應用臨床研究和技術,拓展復健治療師對現有、逐步增加,以及未來社會健保需求對象的應對能力。她教學的重點包括正常及病理性步態、矯形學、修復學及生物力學。